Three Possible Stipulations that WWE can add to Daniel Bryan match at Wrestlemania 34
Published on: Mar 28, 2018 5:42 pm IST|Updated on: Mar 28, 2018 5:43 pm IST

The Big Picture
Everyone is ready for Daniel Bryan’s return to in-ring wrestling and what better place to witness it
than the grandest stage of them all. The match we know we are gonna see is Shane and Daniel
vs Sami and Owens. Now WWE can add stipulations to make the match more interesting :
#1 A Street Fight

A good old fashion street fight. Chairs, tables, kendo sticks, apron power bombs etc. This makes
the match a 100 times more interesting but also puts Daniel in the face of some really bad bumps
that may be dangerous later on in his future. Daniel is known for taking really bad bumps and Owen’s power bombs are known for being very
dangerous, throw a table or stairs in that mix and Daniel’s future seems dull.
The last thing WWE wants is for Daniel to end up with another career-threatening injury.
#2 A handicap match

With the rumors of Shane being injured and unable to perform, WWE can go for a Handicap
match with Bryan vs Owens and Zayn.
This will naturally be a very one-sided match with Zayn and Owens having the numbers game on
Bryan for the majority of the match leading to the fans roaring the ‘YES!’ chant for Daniel to get
up. This match will demonstrate Bryan’s will to survive and that he’s still got it.
#3 A Tornado Tag Match

In a normal tag team match, one part of the tag team has to wait on the ring post till they are
tagged in. In a Tornado Tag match, both members can face both members of the opponent team
at the same time. This leads to a very action-packed match.
It’ll be fun to see Shane and Bryan vs Sami and Owens taking each other on at the same time.
No breaks, no stops, no waiting for a tag, just full throttle from start to finish.