Batting Performance of KL Rahul in 2021 IPL
Updated on: Feb 22, 2023 6:28 pm IST

Batter | Balls | Runs | 6s | 4s | SR | 50s/100s | Inn. | Avg. | Out |
KL Rahul | 450 | 626 | 30 | 48 | 139.11 | 6/0 | 13 | 69.56 | 9 |
Innings Played: 13
Runs Scored: 626
KL Rahul Runs Scored in 2021 IPL
Average: 69.56
KL Rahul Average in 2021 IPL
Strike Rate: 139.11
KL Rahul Strike Rate in 2021
Highest Score: 98
KL Rahul Highest Score in 2021 IPL
Fours: 48
KL Rahul Fours hit in 2021 IPL
Sixes: 30
KL Rahul Sixes hit in 2021 IPL
50s: 6
KL Rahul 50s scored in 2021 IPL
100s: 0
KL Rahul 100s scored in 2021 IPL
Dismissal Modes:
Bowled: 0
Caught: 9
LBW: 0
Run Out: 0
Stumped: 0
Caught and Bowled: 0
Dismissal Modes in 2021 IPL
These statistics provide a snapshot of KL Rahul batting performance in 2021. KL Rahul played 13 innings and scored a total of 626 runs, with an average of 69.56. He maintained a strike rate of 139.11 and scored his highest individual score of 98. KL Rahul hit 48 fours and 30 sixes, and scored 6 fifties and 0 hundreds in 2021. The dismissal modes for KL Rahul in 2021 were Bowled 0, Caught 9, LBW 0, Run Out 0 and Stumped 0.