Chess Game Rules: How to Play (Tips for Beginners)

Published on: Jan 31, 2023 12:48 am IST|Updated on: Jan 31, 2023 12:48 am IST

Chess is a recognized board game. It has been with our generations for centuries. People have too much of a craze for this tabletop game for its strategic gameplay. Even Netflix recently launched its series on the chess game, The Queen’s Gambit.

Whether you are a beginner or a long-term player, we say welcome to this chess world. With this guide, you will learn all of the rules, principles, and tricks for dominating opponents in chess, so read it thoroughly.

How to Play Chess?

If you pay attention to every detail, understanding a chess-like game and how to play it becomes very simple. We help you learn chess through some salient steps.

  • Set up or place your chess pieces in a definite rank and file to strictly adhere to its rules.
  • Learn basic rules, such as how each chess piece moves and captures.
  • Surround your opponents by making strategies to let your opponent submit to your check and checkmate.
  • Grasp advanced rules like promotion, en-passant, and castling to stay ahead of your opponents.

What are Chess Rules?

The game of chess goes through a specific formula of chess pieces. Each player takes one turn to make a single move, and they cannot escape their turn.

Each chess piece moves in accordance with the legal movement. except for the knight, who jumps over other chess pieces, and cannot move through pieces of the same color, either stopping or capturing rival pieces. Let us figure out the rules of each piece’s movement.

 Rooks: they can move straight in both horizontal and vertical directions over a number of steps.

Bishops: They move diagonally in any number of moves.

Knights: They lead forward and backward in the pattern of L.

Pawns: They take one step forward or two steps forward only once.

Queen: It moves diagonally, straight horizontally, and vertically in any number of steps.

King: It only takes one step diagonally, horizontally, and vertically. And it is able to do castling with rooks.

What are the Basic Principles of Opening?

Both novices and experienced practitioners must understand certain opening principles.

  • Develop your chess pieces tactically.
  • Never make too many pawn moves.
  • Do not engage in battle with your queen at first.
  • Do not waste your turn twice on the same piece movement.
  • Execute as soon as there is casting between a king and a rook.
  • Develop your activities in the board’s center or middle.
  • Interlink your rooks and clear the back rank between them.

What is the 20 40 40 Rule in Chess?

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, the 20-40-40 approach will give you awesome results while playing chess. Even though this is the most successful rule followed by all players under 2000, For this reason, we figure out what this trick is.

The “20-20-40 trick” is an organizational plan created to symbolize priorities. 

  • It accounts for 20% of study time spent on opening.
  • 40% of the time for the middle game.
  • 40% of the time is spent on the end game.

Who is the Best Player of Chess?

Sven Magnus Oen Carlsen is the world’s best chess player. He is a Norwegian grandmaster who rules over a number of world-class chess tournaments.

  • Five-time world chess champion.
  • Four-time world rapid chess champion.
  • Six-time world Blitz chess champion.
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